Chainlink Automation

Chainlink Automation uses a decentralized network to monitor your automation logic securely and cost-efficiently off-chain, and then initiate an on-chain transaction to execute the smart contract function when predefined conditions are met.

In Chainlink Automation the transaction fee is paid by LINK. You can find the link fee calculation here

Supported Chains

  • Ethereum

  • BNB Chain

  • Polygon

  • Avalanche

  • Fantom

  • Arbitrum

Core Products of Automation

Time-based Automation

Implement by Time-based trigger that executes your function according to a time schedule. This feature is also called the Job Scheduler and it is a throwback to the Ethereum Alarm Clock.

Time-based Automation guide

Custom Logic Automation

Implement by custom logic trigger that provides custom solidity logic that Automation Nodes evaluate (off-chain) to determine when to execute your function on-chain. The contract must meet the requirements to be compatible with the AutomationCompatibleInterface contract.

Custom Logic Automation guide

Create Compatible Contracts guide

Example Contract

Last updated